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  • Database Products for Homes, Offices and Businesses
  • Database Development, Support and Renovation
  • Systems Analysis, Prototyping and Design
  • Database Resources for Developers

MAJOR Software & Text Publishing is a team of highly experienced programmers dedicated to the delivery of products and services that help solve business system issues.

Our systems support and renovation may assist you in identifying and fixing current concerns with your database system(s) and/or extending their current functionality.

Our prototyping service may allow you to model a more extensive and complex software project at an affordable price and within a relatively short time frame, so that the requirements of the larger project may be more clearly or fully defined.

Our current products and developer resources are evidence of our commitment to the software industry, to businesses and organisations in general, as well as to the home user.

If you have a business system concern or see value in one or more of our current products, please contact us.

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